
รหัส / code คำอธิบาย / code name Version
A01B0001240000 for treating meadows or lawns 1
A01B0003000000 Ploughs 1
A01B0003000000 Ploughs with fixed plough-shares 1
A01B0003020000 Man-driven ploughs 1
A01B0003040000 Animal-drawn ploughs 1
A01B0003060000 without alternating possibility, i.e. incapable of making an adjacent furrow on return journey 1
A01B0003080000 Swing ploughs 1
A01B0003100000 Trussed-beam ploughs; Single-wheel ploughs 1
A01B0003120000 Two-wheel beam ploughs 1
A01B0003140000 Frame ploughs 1
A01B0003160000 Alternating ploughs, i.e. capable of making an adjacent furrow on return journey 1
A01B0003180000 Turn-wrest ploughs 1
A01B0003200000 Balance ploughs 1
A01B0003220000 with parallel plough units used alternately 1
A01B0003240000 Tractor-drawn ploughs (A01B0003040000 takes precedence);; 1